Saturday, January 10, 2009

Inquiring Photo Minds

As a moderator of our local camera club, I’m often asked questions by members and the community at large. The following is a recent question:

My husband got me a nice digital camera for Christmas and I am interested in learning more. Is you club for both 35mm and digital? Also do you help with getting people started to mat and frame pictures? I am also interested in selling my pictures but don't know how to start. Just seems overwhelming.
Thanks for your time.S.

My answer:

Greetings, Digital photography is overwhelming. I spend sleepless nights managing my workflow or kicking stubborn computers. There are so many options that most people do nothing but leave the images on the hard drive. But eventually even these archived images have to be managed.

At our camera club we often discuss matting & framing option as we go along because we display & sell our images around town. As far as selling....start local with the coffee shops, restaurants, associations that you patronize. You've helped them fulfill their dreams; now, it's their turn to help you. As a plus they'll have fresh art on their wall. Establish a website to display and sell your work. Vend your work at the local farmers markets, community events, hospitals.
Joining a local active art community and camera club will speed your development & understanding.

Many, many problems, solutions & opportunities and often it all starts with the curse or blessing of a nice digital camera. Again we can choose to do nothing or experience the unlimited potential of digital photography.

Hope this brief response inspires you to inch forward. With the advent of digital technology the realm of digital art has become extremely competitive so be prepared to work very hard, spend a lot of money and to be extremely creative.


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